Adding Larry W2LJ to the list of blogs that you follow

If you don't already have Larry's blog on your short list of "great content / frequent updates" list, then here is a link, and it comes with a hearty endorsement from yours truly. Larry is able to, somehow, keep providing interesting posts, all the time keeping them short enough to be easily digestible, but having enough content to be interesting.

Here is an example of two I picked at random. I asked Gemini to summarize these two articles, hopefully to avoid bias on my part as an obvious fanboi:

Sure, here are the summaries of the webpages you requested:

Summary of the [first webpage](
* This is an article about a ham radio operator’s weekend plans.
* W2LJ will be conducting a VE Session at a hamfest on Saturday morning.
* There are no contests this weekend because everyone is recovering from Field Day.
* There is a special event station running from June 30th to July 1st by the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club.
* W2LJ hopes to walk the hamfest after his VE Session and is looking for power connectors and a new HT antenna.
* Sunday looks like it will be a relaxing day with scattered thunderstorms.

Summary of the [second webpage](
* This is an article about a You Kits HB-1B radio.
* It discusses a man’s experience using the radio for the first time.
* The radio belonged to someone who recently passed away and was given to the author by a fellow club member.
* The author describes the radio’s features and some of the challenges he faced while using it.
* He also details some of the successes he had using the radio including making contacts and working stations on various bands.
* Overall, the author seems impressed with the little radio and wishes he had one for himself.

You can expect an update just about every day. What a great way to start your ham radio day.

73 from Dave